Tuesday, July 28, 2009

RF-In-The-Shack - Malfunctioning Computer

I am using a Toshiba laptop here in the shack. A few posts back I talked about using my new keyboard and mouse with an external monitor for use as a desktop computer. It really does work quite well. Having the two screens is nice. As we speak I am running HRD over on the laptop screen and typing up my post on the main screen.

However, I have run in to a problem. I have the autokeyer running CQ on 6m (50.088) and so far I have managed to crash the computer 3 times (total - in the past couple days, I am assuming from the RF) and my mouse and keyboard have managed to stop working several times just within the past few minutes.

So how am I writing this post while I am running on 6m?


I have a few FT-82-77's here so I figured I would give them a shot. I put one on the keyboard cable. The USB plug is too big to pass the plug through so I doubled over the wire and looped it through about 5 times. The wireless adapter for the mouse is a small thumb drive-sized receiver with a charger/usb cable extension. So I pulled the receiver out of the charger thingy and plugged it directly in to the computer.

This seems to help on the devices disconnecting. The mouse hasn't had any issues but I still have a couple times where the keyboard stops. All in all the RFI issue seems to have been minimized. I will keep trying a few things to see if I can totally eliminate it.

FT-2000 - VRF and μ-Tune

I am reading the brochure on the FT-2000 (hey, until I can get my hands on one all I can do is research!) and it appears the Variable RF Preselector and the μ-Tune Ultra Sharp Preselector units are the same thing.

I don't see any specifications listed for either one, just a chart that graphically displays the response curves of the μ-Tune units. However, the function looks to be identical between the two units - just the strength varies.

A while back I posted on the FT-2000 yahoo group looking for some guidance on the rig and accessories. In reply to my inquiry on the μ-Tune units I had one person reply that they will either be a benefit or do nothing at all. I suppose if the VRF does the same thing, just not as sharp as the μ-Tune's, then I could see where there may be some question as to how good the units really are. Based on the block diagram in the brochure it looks like the RF stage is pretty well thought out - and the VRF is in the same place as the μ-Tune. I guess the big question is still "is a μ-Tune worth the $400 or so extra?"

I wish I could get my hands on one of these rigs and test-drive it! It is really hard to sit here and look at specs, read documentation, and watch you-tube videos of the rig. Until I can sit down with one I won't really know what the rig is capable of.

Question About QSL Card Paper

Those of you that have glossy QSL cards with pictures on them - what kind of paper are you using?

The reason I ask is the way I make my QSL cards from my Canada trip is I print pictures on both sides using HP photo paper. Since the photo paper doesn't come in double-sided sheets I print two sheets - one with front's and one with back's, cut them out, and glue them together. Not only is this a lot of work, but the paper isn't cheap either.

I would like to find a double-sided glossy (or semi-glossy, doesn't have to be like a mirror) card stock that I can print my cards on. I checked around locally and the closest thing I found was Brochure paper - 45lb and glossy. This would most certainly have been too thin so I didn't get it.

Any thoughts? Leave me a comment or e-mail me at: steve@k8qvo.com

G4ILO's Shack - Pushing the Envelope of Stealth Ham Radio

G4ILO's Shack - Pushing the Envelope of Stealth Ham Radio is a neat page on G4ILO's site. It is a good read for anyone that is in the "stealth amateur radio" mode - whether by choice or necessity. I like the saying he uses, and I have heard it other places in one form or another:

"An antenna may have two of the attributes small, efficient or broadband (work over a wide frequency range without retuning) but never all three."

That is certainly true! Anyone that has a decent amount of experience with antennas will tell you that. Maybe I should take his advice and get a magnetic loop...

Croatia on 40m, Well Almost - Bad Band Tonight

I heard 9A4MF in Croatia calling CQ so I figured I would call back. Well, I did... a few times. He heard me in there but not well enough to make the QSO. As with the last recording - you can hear the ringing with the narrow filter and tough audio of the station. Part of it is the band - QSB, but the high noise level doesn't help anything either.

This little recorder is fun to play with! The quality isn't bad, it actually works quite well for my uses. I just need to do some mobile HF work now so I can put it to its intended use...

9A4MF 40m CW.mp3

Oh well... so it goes. Maybe my random wire antenna will help out once I get it up. I hooked up my loop the original way I had it - with the balanced line hooked up as balanced line, not shorted out at the feed point. The noise level is a couple S-units lower and I am not causing interference on my TV (and hopefully not my neighbors either).

I did work France, F5PLC, a little while ago also. I didn't think to grab the recorder though.