I figured, just for the heck of it, I would tally up the grids I have worked while in EN39 over the years. I started working 6m from there in 2004, though I didn't get any contacts in 2005 and 2006 (I see mobile QSO's on the way there/back, but none while I was there both years).
Also, I take a grid square map with me (one of the ones from the Icom booth at Hamvention) so I can keep track of the grids I work while I am there - it shows where propagation has been hot to and I can track openings. It doesn't work as well as
VHFDX.net does, but hey! Its still fun and works with no Internet.
I have gone all the way up to page 1 of my last trip. That includes 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008 (including the ARRL June VHF Contest, a separate log, 2008). I got to the bottom of page 1 of this year and realized it is now just about 4:00am and I am TIRED! I counted the unique grids real fast (I was keeping track the whole time, but I crossed out old QSO's and replaced them with more current ones as I went so I had to re-count slightly)...
102 grids worked so far!
I still have another 7 pages of QSO's to sift through. This is going to take a while. Where is a computerized log when you need it?
I still have one more challenge, beyond the counting and checking, to complete - confirming them. Lets hope all the people I need to confirm these contacts are able to do so (good log records, still alive, etc). I have a few back ups, in some cases about 20, but that isn't going to fly for all 100+ grids!!!