Wednesday, July 29, 2009

First Mobile QSO Recording

Well - half way mobile. I was rolling during the first part but I was on my way to Lowes and just pulled in the parking lot after I got through.

Anyway, here's the recording. It didn't come out too bad! Even when I was moving the road noise wasn't bad.

KC3FL 40m LSB.mp3

I set the recorder on the center console lid - right behind (towards the rear of the truck) the FT-857D head. That seems to be a decent place for it so far.

FT-857D Loud TX/RX Relay Click

Here is a recording I just made of the difference between my FT-857D's TX/RX relay and my TS-2000's TX/RX relay. The reason I bring this up is I take my FT-857D on backpacking trips and operate portable CW. However, I like to operate as I am sitting in bed just before I go to sleep - when everyone else is doing the same. I can put head phones on to keep the CW in my head only, but I can't put headphones on the TX/RX relay:

FT-857D vs. TS-2000 Relays.mp3

Note the first part of the TS-2000 recording was actually my key clicking. So I was careful after the first couple clicks to push it softly so only the relay was heard. You may have to turn the volume up and listen carefully - but you can hear it. The FT-857D, in contrast, is very obvious! (and the fans... those are another issue, but I can work with them pretty easy)

Both recordings were made with the recorder about 2.5' away in the shack and both radios were right next to each other.

If any of you have any ideas for quieting down the relay - maybe replacing it with one that doesn't make much noise? Or a transistor? - let me know! It is annoying when everyone is quiet in camp.

4x4 Ham Radio Operators

If you are in to 4-wheeling and Ham radio then you will probably like this group. They are mostly based out of Arizona, but there are members all over the country. Check them out at I just joined up.

KC8QVO on Twitter

OK, I know twitter is a little on the obnoxious side - at least when people go over-board with it.

However, I signed up for it. I don't post everything I do on there - I just use it as a tool to send out a notice of my blog posts. If you want to follow me for my updates feel free to sign up. Note: I do moderate my followers. Spam won't be tolerated.