Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Radio From Yaesu - FT-5000MP

I just ran across Universal Radio's products page showing a new radio in the Yaesu lineup - the FT-5000MP. There isn't much info on it at the moment.

I wish there were some better pictures avalible. Even the FT-2000 page on Universal Radio's site still shows a VERY grainy blurred shot of the radio...

The FT-2000 is the next in line on my list of ham radio stuff to get. Maybe by the time I am ready for it the FT-5000MP will be out and be a viable option as well. Although, with the problems that the FT-2000 had (and the FT-9000 series as well, which got the better end of the deal with Yaesu's Performance Enhancement Pogram) we will have to keep a close eye on the FT-5000MP to see if Yaesu is able to get it right off the line.

My guess, based on the HUGE gap in price between the FT-2000 series and FT-9000 series, is that the FT-5000MP will bridge the gap. If you look at the Icom line they have both the IC-7600 and the IC-7700 that are between the FT-2000 and FT-9000, and below the IC-7800 - the current top of the line in the Icom lineup. It does seem strange that the gap in the Yaesu line has been so big for so long.