Wednesday, March 3, 2010

AT Hikers Story: Three Hundred Zeroes

I am not one to read books. I have books from my last quarter of college that I bought new because they were the only ones left and I needed at least something to flip through, which I never ended up reading.

However, I read the recent article in QST magazine about Dennis Blanchard, K1YPP, and his hike of the AT (Appalachian Trail). I discovered through e-mail correspondence about his book - Three Hundred Zeroes. So as soon as it was available I ordered it!

Those that have read several posts of mine probably have figured out that I like backpacking. I won't spoil the book any, but that is the main topic. The Appalachian Trail is what is typically thought of as the crown jewel of backpacking - over 2000 miles from Georgia to Maine along the Appalachian mountains.

Though there isn't much talk of Ham radio in the book, if you have any interest in backpacking, with or without Ham radio, I would recommend the book. I have a hard time putting it down. I have finished the first half of the book in three days (thats really saying something!). I don't know that I could ever devote my life to such a journey, but Blanchard does give me some inspiration for more treks, albeit shorter!