Monday, February 2, 2009

IC-7600 - Icom Brings a New Ball Game To Town

This looks like an exciting new rig!

As this is currently under development, check Universal Radio for more updates. I am sure they will post the news as it happens. As of right now Icom does not list this new product.

The spec's look promising. Dual watch and selectable roofing filters at 15kHz, 6kHz, and 3kHz. Icom is spreading the technology from the IC-7800 down the line - making the newer technologies available for the mid-class rigs = lower price for us!

From what I have read online it looks like this one will be between $3000 and $4000 in the US (as opposed to the IC-7800 at a whopping $11,000). It is also said to be the shifting point for the hugely popular IC-756 series (which, in over 10 years of being on the market has gone through four versions and is now at the IC-756proIII). As popular as the IC-756 series has been, I think it is a good choice to move on to something new. Lets wait and see the results of this new IC-7600 and see what it has in store! I am excited to see it.

I remember when the FT-1000D and IC-781 were the kings of the HF rigs. Isn't it amazing how, in just a hand full of years, the selling price for the top-end radios has more than DOUBLED? $5000 used to be a hefty chunk to put down for a radio, and by all means is STILL a huge chunk. It makes me wonder a bit why some of these radios can go for as much as $13,000?

Now the mid-class rigs are pushed up in to the $3-4,000 range. Although still considered, at least I consider it to be, an elite class transceiver, the Ten Tec Orion II is still lagging in the price department at just over $5,000 fully loaded. All these new ultra-radios with their ultra-prices have me wondering what the next 10 years brings in the radio world.


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