Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Zealand - Twice in One Night!

It started with ZL1AZE. He was down in the noise on the frequency I left the rig on by happenstance (40m). He was calling CQ DX so I called back and worked him. That was cool. I have never worked New Zealand before, at least that I recall. I have worked South Africa and Japan, but nothing that far south in the Pacific.

So then I was scrolling around 40 some more and came across a loud station. I waited for him to finnish his QSO so I could catch his call. ZL1BYZ! Another from Down Under!

I called back but he didn't hear me. I am assuming he is running some power. So I called again. He caught most of my call but missed the last two letters. So I repeated it a few times. He still didn't copy my last two letters, but I did send a signal report. So I called back with my suffix three times and he got it! So I got a 459 and I gave him a 559. The band noise is up and there is some QSB in there. My AGC is set to slow so the QSB was taking him to the noise floor and back up. On peaks he was pretty loud.

We made the QSO and that is all that matters!


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